Is an expandable garden hose easy to use?
As world is continuously changing with new inventions coming in and making our life easier. Expandable garden hose is also a welcome addition to garden hose industry. As the name suggest is new type of garden hose that expands 3 times its original length when water pressure is on and contracts to its original length when its off. This flexibility allows expandable hose to be self draining, non kinking, non twisting and non tangling garden hose.
How does it work?
It has two layers to it. One an inner tube through which water flows and an outer fabric which is usually made of nylon. The inner tube can be made of special elastic rubber called latex or especially designed tube. Different manufacturer’s uses different type of inner hose so the durability varies hose by hoses basis. When water is turned from one end, the other end of the hose which has a shut off valve is turned off, so that water is blocked from one end and when the pressure builds up inside the inner tube, the inner tube starts to expends and reaches it full expanding length. After which shut off is turned on and the hose works like just a normal garden hose..
How to use it?]
Fill the garden hose with water with the shut off valve off and allow the hose to stretch and expand. Once it has expanded, release the water and repeat above steps. Then attach the 9 setting spray nozzle on the other end of the hose. When fully expanded its ready to use. Turn the water off at the source when the hose is not in use. Squeeze the nozzle to drain the hose completely and allowing the hose to contract to its original length. Do not use the hose for drinking water. Do not leave the hose exposed to sun for long time. Do not leave the hose out in extreme winter weather. Be careful to use hose on rough concrete and sharp edges. Keep the hose indoor and shaded to increase the life of the hose.